We believe in building relationships. Every group, every client, every session. By doing so we are able to provide the proper support needed for clients to stay focused on committing to the process of training. We believe that by committing to the process individuals will adopt and maintain lifestyle habits that will bring forth the results desired.

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Don't CHANGE your Lifestyle - TRAIN your Lifestyle!
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. From the former couch potato to the former athlete we all have goals to plan for in order to achieve and our program has a plan built for your success! WE PLAN FOR ALL FITNESS LEVELS!
"3 level modification" system
With built in progressions and regressions for every exercise, this allows our instructors to meet you at your fitness level! These levels ensure there are low-impact steady paced exercises for beginners as well as explosive movements performed at a faster pace for more experienced individuals.
5 Phase Technique
Introduce, Learn, Correct, Perform, and Master
Specifically for our beginners our instructors make sure to teach proper training techniques by guiding individuals through our 5 phases:
- Introduce – In this phase instructor will give verbal instructions along with actual demonstration of the correct way to perform each exercise. Once again, the “three level modification” model will be used to demonstrate all exercises.
- Learn- When the client has an opportunity to execute the exercise on their own with the supervision of the trainer to ensure safety.
- Correct- Instructor provides consistent feedback to clients using verbal cues and visual demonstration to re-emphasize proper technique.
- Perform- At this point clients can safely and effectively perform exercises with minimal to no correction by instructor.
- Master- This phase is reached when a client has been able to perform exercise consistently to the extent that they feel ready to progress a level in the exercise.
We strive to Inspire, Motivate, and Challenge
We have a unique ability to safely encourage individuals to challenge themselves beyond their comfort zone. Due to our highly motivating group atmosphere individuals are easily encouraged to put forth this “extra effort”. We are committed to your success, the question is are you ready to succeed?
Our signature circuit training class designed for all fitness levels. A one hour workout that strategically integrates training methods such as HIIT, Tabata, and various forms of strength training
Worksite Wellness
Worksite Wellness is a health promotion activity or organization-wide policy designed to support healthy behaviors and improve health outcomes while at work. We are committed to promoting healthy lifestyles through whichever channels are available to us.